It is possible to make a good steak at home. Lovers of good meat usually go to restaurants and steakhouses to enjoy a good piece of grilled red meat. But that is not always possible, and it is also possible to prepare a good steak or entrecote at home.
We give you the keys to make it perfect, and at the same time, not die trying.
1. A good meat. First and foremost, since we are going to enjoy the moment, look for a good product. Beef is usually sky-high, so a piece of Old Beef is a great option.
2. Better chubby. A steak should be of an acceptable thickness so that when cooked, it will be browned on the outside and tender/pink on the inside. The recommended thickness is 5-6 cm.
3. Room temperature. The piece of meat must be at room temperature and not come directly from the refrigerator. Take it out at least 30 minutes beforehand, so that it can warm up.
4. No oil. We will use a little fat from the piece of meat to grease the grill in the area where we will cook the steak.
5. Iron very hot. We need high temperatures to properly cook our meat. This way it will be browned on the outside and tender on the inside.
6. Flip and flip. We will only cook it once on each side. Don't overcook it. Once on each side is enough.
7. Salt at the end. We will do it in two stages. Once we have turned the steak, we will sprinkle plenty of coarse salt on the toasted part. We will repeat the process on the other toasted side. When finished, we will remove the excess salt from the surface of the meat, which will have absorbed only the salt it needs.
8. The doneness of the meat. Each diner has their own preferences, but if you have bought quality meat, it is best not to overcook it. If you want it more well done, go back to the grill, but at a lower temperature, so that the outside of the steak does not char.
9. A moment of pause. Remove the meat from the grill and cover it with a clean cloth for a couple of minutes before serving. This will make it juicier. Cut it flush with the bone and then slice it into 2/3 cm wide pieces.
10. Accompaniment and pairing. For me, the most important thing is to enjoy the quality of the meat, so a simple salad is the ideal accompaniment. You can also add some roasted peppers or piquillo peppers.
He came It must be highly concentrated and have a powerful flavour, which does not overwhelm the flavour of the meat. A period of time in the barrel and a period of reserve are a guarantee of a good pairing. Tempranillo, Garnacha, Mencía, fit perfectly.